Week Links #5: Post-Snowpocalypse Edition

Thankfully I live outside of the area of the country that was hit by a major blizzard this week, but I have a lot of friends and family that got to experience snow days or being snowed in. What kind of weather did we have in Seattle? Sunny (somehow) and low 50's. I'm not getting to attached to it though. Today the rain and gray are back to stay. Here are some articles that have stuck with me throughout the week.

21 Ways to Survive a Snowpocalypse Joel discusses ways to keep busy by improving your life when you are stuck at home. (@ Blog of Impossible Things)

An Idiots Guide to Living with 417 Things Baker documents in GREAT detail everything his family owns. Be sure to check out the link to his stuff page. I hope to someday be able to minimize my stuff down this much. (@ Man Vs. Debt)

How I'm Packing for My Trip All Over the World Did I mention I love articles like this? When people show how minimalistic they can be and minimize their possessions before they travel on a long trip it makes me want to purge some of my stuff. (@ Nerd Fitness)

Why I Really Started Gen Y Wealth RJ explains what led him to start his site. His reasons echo a lot of the same reasons why I started Pocket Changed. (@ Gen Y Wealth)

15 Leadership Qualities You Can Exercise Right Now! Check out the PDF here by Todd Clarke with great reminders and tips on how to be a great leader. (@ Fire Under Every Butt)

Want to be an Entrepreneur? Get a Job! In a guest post by Dan Andrews of The Tropical MBA and the Lifestyle Business Podcast learn why having a job can be a key first step for working for yourself. (@ Location 180)

The Business of Loyalty In part 8 of  Alan's case study series on people living alternative lifestyles, he interviews David Baxler, a self-employed go getter. (@ The 9 to 5 Alternative)

Caleb Wojcik