Week Links #2: Busy Year Edition

This year is going to be busy for me. Not "too busy" that I can enjoy my life, but busy in a good way. Looking at back at this year should be fun.

What You Don't Do Doesn't Matter This is an older post, but this is the first time I've come across it. Chris Guillebeau writes about how just thinking about something is not enough. (@ The Art of Non-Conformity)

Turning Fear into Joy I have been coming across a lot of literature lately about fear and how to deal with it. Trent writes about how to transform it into happiness.  (@ The Simple Dollar)

Do Whatever It Takes What are you putting off starting? Is it an exercise routine, a diet, a savings account or paying off debt? Steve Kamb writes about how to just do it. (@ Nerd Fitness)

Pay Off Low Interest Debt or Invest? I chose to pay off my lower interest student loans so I would be debt free and I was already investing as much as I wanted. R.J. Weiss discusses the dilemma. (@ GenYWealth)

Caleb Wojcik